Efficient Trials For Optimal Outcomes: Balancing Data, Technology, And Strategy In Clinical Research

Navigating the complex interplay of clinical trial data collection, technology integration, and strategic planning is crucial for achieving FDA approval and securing payer reimbursement. In this webinar, featuring Nicole Latimer, CEO of Medrio, and Amy Longcore, Founder and CEO of Blue Parachute, we delve into the intricacies and solutions essential for conducting efficient and effective clinical trials.

During this session, our experts will uncover common pitfalls in trial data management, including the collection of insufficient or irrelevant data. They will explore best practices for developing an effective data collection strategy and selecting technology solutions that align with research needs.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Strategize Efficient Data Collection: Gain insights into how patient-reported data, clinician-captured data, and real-world data (RWD) impact health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), FDA approval, and payer reimbursement.
  2. Optimize Protocol and Technology Integration: Learn to harmonize protocol development, biostatistics, and reimbursement strategies with technology solutions that facilitate efficient data capture, analysis, and reporting.
  3. Evaluate Total Cost of Ownership in Tech Solutions: Understand the critical factors in selecting technology platforms, including build speed, user accessibility, data management capabilities, vendor support, and budgetary implications, to ensure comprehensive and effective data collection processes.


  • Nicole Latimer, CEO at Medrio
  • Amy Longcore, Founder and CEO of Blue Parachute

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